Civil Engineering

Civil engineering includes the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of the infrastructure that surrounds us and is the underpinning of our society. Almost everything civil engineers do affect our daily lives in many ways.

We specialize in all aspects of land development civil engineering. In addition to our design knowledge, experience and resources, we utilize a close network of surveyors, land planners, landscape architects and architects to provide you with the most comprehensive design plan(s) you require.

Drawing/permit requirements can be pretty nebulous to most individuals trying to get their plan(s) approved. We have experience with most regulatory bodies in Kenya. Let us use this experience to assist you with your project. Feel free to contact us today.

Planning & Feasibility

Some development projects need additional analysis before pushing ahead. We’ll work with you to analyze the financial impacts along with the potential limitations as they pertain to zoning, environmental and other possible constraints. Our goal is to narrow or expand the scope of the project to identify the best scenario(s) available to you.

Civil Land Development

Drawing / permit requirements can be pretty nebulous to most individuals trying to get their plans approved.

Post Construction Assistance

Municipalities often require a variety of completed documents after the project is finished. We provide: Record Drawings, As-Builts, Substantial Completion Certifications and other documents as needed by the approving agency.

Site & Grading Plans

To facilitate the detailed construction of any project, comprehensive information is required for the contractor to implement the design intent. This plan depicts the placement of building structures, proposed floor elevations, layouts of any surrounding amenities, existing & proposed nearby elevations, contours, surrounding grades, and other important site features.

Utility Extension Plans

In some cases, the public utilities and/or public infrastructure are not close enough to the proposed development. Or maybe the current utility is not adequate for what is being constructed. In these cases, similar to the Frontage Improvement Plan, a plan must be prepared to municipality specifications, outlining the size, location and type of utility required within the public space.

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